Overload Cosplay Competition
Skit Competition & Construction Competition
UPDATE: Registration for 2023 is not yet open, however Entry Eligibility & Guidelines remain the same. You’re welcome to start working on your entry!
UPDATE: Registration for the 2024 Overload Cosplay Competition has closed.
Please look forward to contestants appearing on the
Overload stage in Shed 10, Saturday 20 April from 4:30pm!
Welcome to the Overload Cosplay Competition! A competition for cosplayers who love to make their cosplay (and perform for those entering the Skit variation!). We cannot wait to showcase your incredible work!
The Construction Competition pays homage to New Zealand cosplayers’ long tradition in the art of cosplay making. Judging will focus on your costumes – so prepare to get your seams flipped and your foam welds inspected!
The Skit Competition celebrates both the costuming and PLAY aspects of cosplay – act out a romantic interlude between two characters, present a dramatic monologue or soliloquy, a hilarious comedy skit, or show off your daring martial arts prowess. As long as it is PG and in keeping with your character the only limitation is your imagination!
Getting up on stage can be daunting – whether it be for cosplay construction or for a skit. In order to help you get the most out of your stage time, all entrants into the Skit Competition will also be entered into the Construction Competition.
♥ Skit entries may be SOLO or DUOS (groups of two) – so grab your cosplay soulmate and get creating!
Sponsored by Overload and NZ Daisuki
Construction Competition
- 1st Place: $300 cash
- 2nd Place: $200 cash
- 3rd Place: $100 cash
Skit Competition
- Winner $400 cash
Bonus prize
- JUDGES’ CHOICE: $50 cash
(both categories qualify)

♠ Please note that you may enter as a solo entrant or as a duo, but all prizes are per entry not per person – so if you enter the Skit Competition as a duo and win, you will need to share your prize.
Entry Eligibility
Who can enter?
Anybody currently residing within New Zealand can enter this competition.
If you are under the age of 16 we require you to fill out a Guardian Consent Form, providing your guardian’s contact information.
Costume Eligibility
You may enter any costume from any Asian media i.e.: anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, donghua, live action TV shows, video games, phone games, etc. Your costume must be made entirely by you.
If you are unsure whether your costume qualifies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
More information can be found below in the Guidelines FAQ below
Important Dates
Online submission closes
Midnight Sunday 6th April (3 weeks before competition day)
Acceptance emails sent out
Sunday 13th April (2 weeks before competition day)
Saturday 26th April at the Overload Stage, Shed10 from 4:30pm.
Please note that some of these rules have been updated and clarified since 2024. We advise that you read them carefully. In particular, due to the record number of entries in 2024, there will be a cap on the number of entries we accept in 2025. In addition the scoring breakdown is now also available! Details can be found below.
You will need to fill out the online registration form, which will cover contact details (and your partners if applying as a duo for the Skit Competition).
You will be able to provide a LINK to your files in the registration form. Please upload your entry on Google Drive and make sure the files are accessible to us.
IMPORTANT: We will download your folder/files immediately after you submit your registration form. Your entry cannot be modified once it has been submitted. Please ensure all files are uploaded before filling out the registration form.
- Guardian Consent Form for any entrants’ aged 16 or under.
- Audio/Video files if entering the Skit Competition.
- Character reference sheets (up to 2 sheets max per character).
- Sheet 1 should have ONE high quality image as a key reference
- (optional additional sheet) Sheet 2 should have any supporting reference images grouped together on a singular A4 page (A4 sheet is important, as these will be printed for prejudging). [View example HERE]
- Photo Progression Log (up to 10 single-sided A4 pages).
Note: The Photo Progression Log is a collage of photo documentation highlighting details of your construction processes, specifically things that will not be seen on the finished costume. Use as many images as you like, provided they fit into 10 pages maximum. You do not need to supply a build log detailing every step of your process. [View example HERE]
Folio should be submitted in a PDF format. As a free online option, we recommend using Google Slides to compile your folio, and then exporting it as a PDF for submission. (We use PDFs because it ensures what you submit will print in a clear format for our judges.)
Judges will have a copy of your full submission during your prejudging time slot.
No, you do not. We understand that A LOT can be completed in the last few weeks before the event.
However, as there is a cap on entries, please ensure your submission is representative of your current progress so we can judge your entry in its best state.
They are used purely so we can tag your accounts in our social media posts if needed. They have no impact on your submission.
You will receive an automatic email saying that we have received your entry.
After entries close, judges will review entries and make selections. Details for how these are chosen can be found under “Judging: How does the entry cap work?”
If your entry is accepted, you will be sent an email detailing your judging time and how the competition day will work.
Yes. Please let us know in the submission form if you wish to do this, as there is limited space.
Overload will open at 10am but you will be allowed to enter the venue from 9.00am to drop off your props and any set pieces backstage. If you wish to enter before the con opens, please ensure:
- You have pre-purchased a ticket online for you and anyone assisting you to carry items inside.
- You let us know in advance before the convention weekend.
There are limited staff, and we need to make sure the relevant people are aware of what is happening.
Costume Guidelines
When selecting your character/costume, keep in mind your mobility. If you are doing a skit, you will need to be able to MOVE. Even if you are only entering the Construction competition, you will need to be able to climb stairs to get on stage.
Access to stage due to disability or mobility needs will be accommodated. Just let us know in the submission form.
The following rules MUST be followed (failing to adhere may result in disqualification):
- Overload NZ Anime & Manga Convention is a family event, and your costume should reflect this.
- Please ensure your costume is fully cured/dry (paint, glue, resin, etc)
- Please make sure that all body paint is sealed (in fact we recommend using coloured tights or body suits where possible).
- Excessive nudity and gore is not allowed.
- While fantasy military or military costumes are allowed, official uniforms of current military, police, or medical professions should not be worn.
If you are unsure please email the cosplay organisers for guidance. Please provide image examples if you are asking about specific costumes. [email protected]
We ask that all props be made so that they will not harm or cause risk to those around you.
- No real weapons.
- Any firearm-looking props, including fantasy or futuristic weapons must have orange safety tips (you can apply orange tape to your completed prop). NO realistic guns or firearms are allowed. If you are unsure as to whether your firearm would be accepted, please email for approval. Please keep in mind that the safety of everyone is more important than a prop.
- No metal-bladed or sharp props. Props are to be made of foam, plastic, wood, resin, or other such cosplay materials. All props must have a blunt edge/tip. Props should not be heavier than the bearer can carry safely.
- No projectile props of any kind are permitted. You may use water pistols or Nerf guns as a base, but they must be made permanently non-functioning. You must have documented proof of how you have made the base non-functioning in your construction portfolio. Simply not loading projectiles is not good enough.
- All props, including stage props, cannot be more than 2m in any dimension or weigh more than 10kg.
If you have any queries as to whether your prop would be accepted, please email us with a description and image example. It is better to find out before you make the prop then be told on the day that you cannot compete with it.
The safety of others is the most important thing.
No, sorry. Both competitions are construction-based.
The costume needs to be 75% hand-made by the wearer. This is a construction-based competition. The more you make, the more we have to judge!
What do we define as 75%?
You should be focusing on completing the signature elements of the costume yourself.
For example, if you took away the purchased/commissioned elements, is it still identifiable as the character?
The 25% leeway should be for simple items (such as base shoes or undergarments) or modifications that are not generally visible from the audience.
Yes, you may!
However, we expect to see some effort towards new components or upgrades.
In your application, please supply photos (if available) of the costume when you entered it in the previous competition and let us know what you have changed.
In the case that you have previously won (1st place) in a competition with said costume, we expect at least 75% to be upgraded/new.
Skit Specifics
Your skit must be minimum 1 minute, and maximum 2 and a half minutes long.
- Please make sure all standalone audio is submitted in mp3 format.
- Please make sure all video with audio is submitted in mp4 format.
- Your video should be in 16:9 aspect ratio (or 1080p resolution).
- Be sure to normalise all audio (including that used in video) before submission. You can use free software such as Audacity to do this.
On the day please bring a back-up on a USB drive. Your skit audio/video should be the only file on your drive. Failure to comply may result in your skit not having audio.
For the safety of both you and the other entrants/attendees, please note-
- No mess is to be created during your time on stage, or left on stage after your skit.
- No fire, explosives, or other incendiary devices.
- No smoke effects.
- No throwing anything on the stage or at the audience. This includes but is not limited to: confetti and glitter of any sort, food items, liquids (including fake blood), etc.
If your skit includes any kind of dance or fight choreography (including flips and jumps) please email Overload ([email protected]) BEFORE your submission to confirm whether it is ok. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
This is a family event. Please do not use any music/dialogue/video that contain profanities, abuse, sexual themes or harassment.
The main idea/script must be of your own design.
You are allowed to get help with your audio and video. This includes voice actors and editing/asset assistance in video. Please let us know in your submission if you have received assistance and for which components.
Can I have another person appear in my video?
Yes, you may. However, they should not be a main focus of the performance, and should only be used in a capacity that assists with your performance on stage.
Am I allowed to use AI-generated content?
Yes! We highly encourage it!
Please note you are responsible for your props/sets. Overload does not provide volunteers to move things on/off stage.
You must be able to get your props on and off stage in under 1 minute. If you need help from friends or family to get your props on and off stage, you will need to fill out their contact details in your registration form (maximum of 2 helpers). This is due to H&S restrictions
Please remember that all stage props/set pieces cannot exceed 2m in any dimension or weigh more than 10kg.
Note: Stage props can be stored near the stage after judging. Please let us know in your submission if you will need a place to store your props/sets as there is limited space available.
No, sorry. All audio must be pre-recorded and submitted before the deadline.
The stage has a large format LED screen as a backdrop upon which your video will be displayed. You may like to take this into consideration when creating your video.
Screen dimensions are 5m (w) x 3.m (h)
The stage will be 6 meters wide by 3 meters deep, and will be located in SHED 10.
After submission closes, the judges for the competition will review folio submissions and make selections.
Please make sure you submit a folio that represents your costume to its best extent. Photos should be clear, and showcase as much of the costume as possible.
Prioritisation for acceptance will be given to:
- Entries with a performance
- Entries showing a higher % of completion (For example, an entry at 75% completion would be favourable over one that is at 20%. If you are already at 75%+ completion, we have confidence you will finish your entry in the remaining 3 weeks)
- Entries demonstrating a high level of technique (technical difficulty, refinement, etc)
The first slot for prejudging will begin at 10:30am.
When to arrive
You are expected to be at the prejudging location 15 minutes before your timeslot.
Prejudging duration is strictly 10 minutes per person. If there are two people in your entry, you will have 2 x 10 minutes (20 minutes total).
If you have props, there will be a space in the prejudging room to rest them while you talk through your costume.
Can I bring someone with me into the prejudging room?
Only you (and your competition partner if entering as a duo) are allowed in the room once prejudging commences. You may have an assistant help bring items (such as props) inside, but they must leave the room before prejudging officially commences.
If you have a disability and need special accommodations, please let us know in your submission form.
For a simple breakdown of the scoring, please refer to the Scoring Sheet.
For a simple breakdown of the scoring, please refer to the Scoring Sheet.
A “good” skit is something that can be understood by anybody who is watching it, regardless of whether they have seen the source material or not.
Your skit should have different energy – high moments filled with energy! Low moments filled with stillness! And a whole range of emotion in between.
If you get stuck, here’s some performance-based competitions you can watch to get some inspiration:
World Cosplay Summit (Groups of 2)
Extreme Cosplay Gathering (Groups of 1-4)
Madman National Cosplay Competition (Groups of 1-2)
- Courtney (Sparky Cosplays)
- Rowan Gardiner (wrolan)
- Alexandra (RocketFuel Cosplay)